Friday, 15 February 2013

Loves Endures

This is the story of a young wealthy man going through a life-threatening disease and the doctors told him that he had few months to live.This man decided to care and show love to other persons ill at the hospital ward.He was strong for himself and people around him.He lived for five more years, to the suprise of his doctors.


1) The young wealthy man had a life-threatening disease with few months to live

2) He decided to care and show love to other people ill around him

3) He was strong for himself and other people

4) He lived for five more years , to the suprise of his doctors

Questions To Ask Yourself:

Are you going through any challenge?

Do you know anyone going through any challenge?

Are you getting or feeling tired about the situation?

Lessons: Love endures through every circumstance.It can be hard sometimes, but its your choice to endure and be helpful to other people going through the same or other situations.Be strong, be positive and speak positively.Everything is going to be fine.

Yes You Can:



Be Strong

Be Positive

Speak positively

Help others &

Care for others
