The ladies looked very radiant and beautiful and they were elegantly dressed in their white attire.It was a sweet-bitter experience as there was excitement in the air, but sadly, they will never have the opportunity to be all gathered in one place, at the same time.Joy, smiles and hugs filled the hall and yes, so many pictures were taken( You trust babes now).
Parents, teachers,clergy men and well-wishers were present.One of the high points of the ceremony was the head girl's speech, she asked that they should all sing the protestant family's song at the end of her speech.The peak of the event, was the induction of the ladies as "Queens" into the old girls association with the torch been passed on from the out-going head girl to the incoming head girl.Candles were lit all over the hall and it was a beautiful sight.
Yes, it was a beautiful event |
On behalf of Ofure Odigwe and myself, we give thanks to God for the privilege to have been a part of the lives of these ladies for three years.We know they are going to be great women, because we believe in them.
Welcome To The Future.