Monday, 19 August 2013

Thank God It's Monday

How is your Monday going? I trust you have had a great day so far.

With less than 140 days to the end of 2013, it is important to ensure we are spending most of our time on 'what matters most'.

Today, I'd like to share a thought on something I heard a while back that helped me a lot.

Reality Check For Personal and Effective CHANGE

Reality check is when you face yourself and ask yourself important questions such as;


I plead with the Nigerian students not to get frustrated, angry and depressed, especially those in the higher institutions. Even though the strike is getting too long, they should not make any erratic decision.

 I am using this medium to let you know that, you can make use of this time to study for exams, discover yourself, outline on paper your vision and goals, state with specific time when you want to achieve your stated goals and learn new skills.