- Always have your identity card(a.k.a I.D card) with you
whenever you are going out
§ -
Do not park on isolated or dark roads
§ -
Enter colored buses or taxis especially at the
parks or garages
§ -
Do not walk alone in dark or isolated places
§ -
Always inform someone responsible about your
- Be careful and aware of your environment
especially in rowdy areas such as bus-stops, markets etc. This is so, because
pick pockets, fraudsters and other criminals might be there.
Do not listen to loud music especially when
driving or walking on the road
§ - If you have an ailment, wear a wristband or have
a card indicating the disease condition
§ -
Always have a minimum amount of credit on your
phone, because any emergency can come up.
- Add on your phone contacts list, persons that
can be called in case of any emergency(I.C.E)
§ -
If you own a private vehicle, ensure you are not
driving using expired tires.
§ -
Ensure that you have all safety equipments in
your car, such as the C caution sign, fire extinguisher, extra tire, etc.