Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Celebration Of Life

I remember when I lost my dear big mummy.Its a day I will never forget, I was sad and had questions in my heart.I thank God for his Grace and Mercy. I miss her.

I was sad and shocked when I heard that my friend and senior colleague died, that was two years ago.He was a very handsome guy and also full of life.I can remember the first day I met him and how he smiled at me. I can remember how he used to tease me about being business conscious and ambitious.I miss him.

I remember watching the video and looking at the pictures of people being killed and slaughtered all over the country.I felt like I was there, the cries, the bloodshed, the groaning pain and the fire was too unbearable.They went through the terrible ordeals and they died.

1) I really cannot remember telling my dear big mummy how much I loved her and how caring she was.

2) I cannot remember hugging my dear big mummy and saying special thanks or been very grateful for making me learn Psalm 91 and teaching me the Word Of God.

3) I cannot remember telling my friend how his smile encouraged me.

4) I cannot remember telling my friend that he was handsome and he looked good

5) I cannot remember telling my friend how nice he was

Questions To Ask And Answer Yourself:

Do you love yourself?

Do you appreciate and celebrate yourself?

Who are the people in your life?

Do you Love and Care about people?

Have you taken out quality time to really appreciate them?

Lessons: You have one Life.Therefore, your life is important.No matter the limitations and challenges, please take out quality time to appreciate and celebrate people(family,friends,colleagues,employer/employee, etc).

The Truth Is, You Can:
Love People

Appreciate people

Care For People

Celebrate them

Please read,share and comment on 2alkaboutit daily.
I celebrate and appreciate you.


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