Monday, 12 August 2013

Get Ahead

Good Day To You,

I just thought to quickly remind you that there is a future for you, in fact a glorious one decked with lots of goodies. But here is the question, how sure are you that you will not MISS this future?

People that will not miss the future will do 4 things:

1. They find out what they are here on earth to do?

2. They find out the price to pay to get it done.

3. They resolve in there heart to pay the price no matter what.

4. They ask their maker (God) to help them get there.

 That's all you need in order not to miss the FUTURE. Say to your self this Monday, I won't miss the future!

 #Getaheadonmonday# samNAIKE.

ff: @naikesam

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